We believe that all people deserve respect and care in all aspects of their life, including the way their world sounds.
the world.
That core belief drives our vision and commitment to provide the best possible acoustic experience for our clients, regardless of project size, scope, industry, or budget.

A3 Acoustics Specializes in developing creative and comprehensive acoustical and noise control solutions.
Although we serve a wide variety of markets, the common threads which run through our work are a keen understanding of your problems and goals and the desire to work collaboratively to provide strategies and solutions that meet your acoustic needs, your project deadlines and your budget.

Who We Serve
Read about A3 Acoustics in the news, and some interesting projects we are working on.
2018 IgCC – New Acoustical Control Section
September 2019The 2018 International Green Construction Code (IgCC) from the International Code Council (ICC) has just been published and has a new expanded Acoustical Control section; pages 54 – 56 and . This new section covers the requirements: 1) Interior background noise levels, which is a combination of mechanical system, building system, and exterior noise intrusion; 2)… Read more
Ambient Noise Is “The New Secondhand Smoke”
September 2019Dr. Daniel Fink’s articles in Acoustics Today discusses how ambient noise causes adverse effects on human health. The research cited in this paper outlines the levels of noise that impact people in places they live, work, learn and communicate. This paper is the foundation of the importance of our work and we would be happy… Read more
Everybody’s top complaint about hospitals? Noise, according to HCAHPS data
July 2019We are sharing this article because we believe it is important to understand the influence of noise on your patient’s health and satisfaction. https://www.healthcarefinancenews.com/news/everybodys-top-complaint-about-hospitals-noise-according-hcahps-data Our team has been investigating and helping develop holistic acoustic mitigation plans for hospitals to improve HCAHPS scores. For those not as familiar the HCAHPS score is the Hospital Consumer Assessment… Read more